[Review ETF] FTSE Vietnam Index selects TCH

(Updated: 5/3/2018)

Before FTSE Vietnam, TCH was continuously brought by Ishare MSCI Frontier 100, VanEck Vectors Vietnam ETF (V.N.M ETF) worth tens of millions of dollars

According to the announcement from FTSE, in the portfolio adjustment period in Quarter I/2018, FTSE Vietnam Index included three stocks as VRE, TCH and PDR to the portfolio, while excluding the GTN stock from the portfolio.

For FTSE Vietnam All-Share Index, VRE is the only stock included while the other three stocks as QCG, ITA and GTN are excluded.

FTSE's VRE inclusion to the portfolio this period has been anticipated by many securities companies because such criteria as capitalization, liquidity and free float, over 3 months of listing and trading have been met. According to SSI Retail Research, with 6th ranked free capitalization in the portfolio, the proportion is estimated to reach 6%.

Similarly, GTN exclusion has also been anticipated because such criteria as capitalization and liquidity have not been met.

Thus, in the past time, TCH has been constantly selected and brought by international investment funds. Before FTSE Vietnam, TCH was continuously brought by Ishare MSCI Frontier 100, VanEck Vectors Vietnam ETF (V.N.M ETF) worth tens of millions of dollars.

(Source: NDH.VN)

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